Sunday, October 23, 2005

China moving into the US backyard

A recent Council On Hemispheric Affairs memo [China’s Economic Invasion of Mexico: A Threat to the U.S. or an Opportunity for Mexico?, October 14, 2005] contains the following interesting passage:

"...the growth potential of any likely long-term symbiosis between China and Latin American countries has disturbed many on Capital Hill. As a result, several congressional hearings have being held to address the question. For example, the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, Representative Dan Burton (R-IN), in an opening statement entitled 'China’s Influence in the Western Hemisphere,' voiced his concerns that, 'Until we know the definitive answer to this question of whether China will play by the rules of fair trade, and engage responsibly on transnational issues, I believe we should be cautious and view the rise of Chinese power as something to be counterbalanced or contained, and perhaps go so far as to consider China’s actions in Latin America as the movement of a hegemonic power into our hemisphere.'"


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